Monday, September 26, 2011

"Access to data denied" error when copying documents

Last week I ran into a very strange error on someone's Lotus Notes Citrix client ( version 8.5 ). When he would try to copy a document, Lotus Notes would generate an error "Access to data denied" and the document wasn't copied.

At first I figured it was a custom message on that specific database. However, I found that he could not copy any documents from other databases. I tried closing notes and re-opening and that didn't fix the issue.

My first thought was the clipboard file was corrupt. The clip board file is generated every time a Lotus Notes user copies documents. This file is located in the Lotus Notes user's /data/ folder and it is named ~clipbrd.ncf. In this instance ~clipbrd.ncf already existed in the /data/ folder. I deleted the file. I then tried to copy a document and it worked.