There are no updates available for your notes client release 8.5.2FP1. There were no matching kits found in the smart upgrade database smartupgradedb.nsf on server1/org
I checked the InstallType and it was 2, checked the upgrade kit and it was set to Allclient. I get the notification on my main pc so I know it's not a rights issue. I checked the smartupgrade.log on my client:
TM=SUGetSmartUpgradeKitsInfo: SUSearchDownloadDBForKits: 'CN=server1/O=org!!smartupgradedb.nsf' '$activekits' error: There were no matching kits found in the Smart Upgrade database %s on %a.
TM=Error accessing Smart Upgrade database server1/org smartupgradedb.nsf
TM=SUSmartUpgrade: SUGetSmartUpgradeKitsInfo: error: There were no matching kits found in the Smart Upgrade database %s on %a.
IN=ErrorMessage IV=There are no updates available for your Notes client Release 8.5.2FP1. There were no matching kits found in the Smart Upgrade database smartupgradedb.nsf on server1/org.
Nothing really apparent in there. Then I opened my smart upgrade tracking database on my home server. Looked at my secondary pc failed attempts and found type:
Type: All Client (Notes Client, Admin Client, Designer) Basic Configuration
where my main desktop has a type of:
Type: All Client (Notes Client, Admin Client, Designer)
Ah ha! So for some reason my Lotus Notes AllClient is registering as a basic configuration install! This might be something residual from when I loaded the full AllClient basic configuration on 8.0.2 but that was years ago. So I installed 8.0.2 Allclient basic on a test machine, saved the notes.ini, uninstalled, installed 8.0.2 Allclient Standard and saved the notes.ini. Using ultraedit, I compared the two files and the only significant difference between the two notes.ini's was a parameter called "InstallMode". After some Google searching around I found the ini parameter but no description. The Allclient standard install set InstallMode=1. The Allclient basic set InstallMode=0.
On my secondary desktop I could not find the InstallMode parameter in my notes.ini. So I added InstallMode=1. Once I added InstallMode=1, smartupgrade found the upgrade kit with no issues.