Sunday, September 2, 2012

Windows file share error "the referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to"

I see this error from time to time when connecting to a network share from a new Windows 2008 server to an old Windows server. However, I can usually connect using \\servername from the old server to the new server. After a few times of putting in my password to connect, the user account on the old Windows server becomes locked out. So then I get the error message "Account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to".

I also get the error "the specified network password is not correct". This error message led me to the correct answer. Since the issue happened on a Windows server 2008, I followed the procedure in the reference link below:

1. run secpol.msc
2 Navigate to Local Policies > Security options > Network security: LAN manager authentication. On my Windows 2008 server, it was blank
3. Next I selected NTLMV2 session secure if negotiated

No reboot needed, it started working after the change. After I was finished copying files, I change it to "NTVLM2 responses only" value.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lotus Connections / IBM HTTP Server (Apache) root directory redirect to application

When configuring Lotus Connections to use IBM HTTP server, it's always annoyed me that when typing in the URL minus an application, it takes me to an IBM HTTP server help screen. I've configured a redirect in Lotus Connections 2.5, however, I was unable to find my documentation. There are a few ways to accomplish this but I'm going to cover the one that works best for me. ( might not be the best solution for you ) So this post is how to configure a URL redirect / rewrite from the root / to an application ( /homepage ) in Lotus Connections using IBM HTTP server.

1. First, locate your httpd.conf file the IBM HTTP Server is using. to load the module for redirect / rewrite, locate the line that says 

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

and remove the # to uncomment

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

2. Next, locate the line that says DocumentRoot

and place a # in front of the line to comment it out.

3. Next locate the VirtualHost *:443
FYI, won't let me post the correct syntax for the VirtualHost *:443, please see the image below for the correct syntax
VirtualHost *:443

and add two lines

VirtualHost *:443
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ /homepage [R,L]

This will load the application when you type in the url  btw is not a real website, just an example :)


^ is the beginning of the line 
$ is the end of the line 
. is any single character except new line 
* is zero or more of character

4. Last, create a virtualhost entry for all port 80 requests to redirect to SSL at the end of the file

FYI, won't let me post the correct syntax for the VirtualHost *:80, please see the image below for the correct syntax
VirtualHost *:80
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ /homepage [R,L]
# handy for seeing what's going on when the web server tries to redirect
#RewriteLog "C:/rwlog.txt"
#RewriteLogLevel 1
# if the port's not 443 (ssl)...
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
#...redirect it to the same page but make it SSL
RewriteRule ^(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R]

That will take care of any requests that are typed as and redirect / rewrite as

Here are the web pages used as reference:

Configuring the IBM HTTP Server for SSL 
Redirecting non-SSL (HTTP) requests to SSL (HTTPS) requests with IBM HTTP Server or Apache, and WebSphere Application Server

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I ran across an issue with log.nsf file growing quite large. To help reduce the size of the log file I started looking at how to remove the following session information:

Open session for Test User1/Domain (Release 8.5.3)
Closed session for Test User1/Domain Databases accessed:   1  Documents read:   1   Documents written:   0

from the log.nsf miscellaneous events. I found two notes.ini parameters, LOG_SESSIONS and LOG_DISABLE_SESSION_INFO. They both do the same thing, but what is the difference? After firing up a test environment, LOG_DISABLE_SESSION_INFO=1 disables open session / closed session events on the console, and therefore the miscellaneous events. This parameter also disables usage details in the log.nsf ( views named Usage / by Date, Usage / by User, Usage / by Database, Usage / by Size will be empty).

LOG_SESSIONS=0 disables the open session / closed session events on the console, and therefore the miscellaneous events. However, the usage details are recorded in the log.nsf ( views named Usage / by Date, Usage / by User, Usage / by Database, Usage / by Size will not be empty). Hope this helps someone out there :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lotus Domino SSL issues

One afternoon last month I really struggled with an easy SSL keyring setup. I did the usual create keyring file, send off the CSR, received the signed request, install trusted root and intermediate certificates and finally install the signed request. Everything looked good except when I started HTTP on Lotus Domino I received the error

> load http
HTTP Server: SSL Error: No local certificate, key ring file [keyfile.key], [Default Server]
HTTP Server: Using Web Configuration View
JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized.
HTTP Server: Java Virtual Machine loaded
HTTP Server: DSAPI Domino Off-Line Services HTTP extension Loaded successfully
XSP Command Manager initialized
HTTP Server: Started

and when I would go to the website using https:// in Chrome, I would get a page saying:

SSL connection error
Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error.

I don't have internet site documents turned on. After a few attempts of stopping and started HTTP, I decided to dust off gsk5-iKeyMan. After awhile of poking around I found the issue. Notice the name of the file in the error message? keyfile.key. That was the issue. As soon as I changed the keyfile.key file name to keyfile.kyr, and changed the name in the server document under ports > Internet Ports > SSL key file name, HTTP started without issues. *facepalm*

> load http
HTTP Server: Using Web Configuration View
JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized.
HTTP Server: Java Virtual Machine loaded
HTTP Server: DSAPI Domino Off-Line Services HTTP extension Loaded successfully
XSP Command Manager initialized
HTTP Server: Started

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Google books error "Couldn't retrieve part of the book from server. Try again later."

If you are using this to troubleshoot your Google Books issue, proceed at your own risk. I'm not responsible to any damages. This is what worked for me.

This morning I tried to buy a book on my Android phone and after the purchase I tried to open the book. Shortly after I got an error saying:

"Couldn't retrieve part of book from server. Try again later."

How annoying right? So I tried again later. Same error. So I started poking around. Maybe I can download a sample of a random book... nope same error. Well I felt a little bit better knowing it wouldn't download a sample and my purchased book.

That leads to an issue with either Google, my phone, my connection on my phone, or the Google Books app. I then opened and found my book that I purchased and I was able to open it and read it. So that leaves my phone, my connection on my phone, or the Google Books app. Then I verified I could browse the Internet on my phone and I could. Also tried wifi on and off. Still the same error. Well, I then started with the Google Books app. I "force stop" the app, "clear data", then tried to open the app. That was a complete fail and all my offline books where gone, as I expected from clearing the data.

The last thing to do was to "uninstall updates". Uninstall updates was located where the uninstall button should be. I think my Google books version was 2.x.x ( I think 2.3.5 but not sure ). So I uninstalled updates. The version of Google Books is now 1.3.5 and that did the trick. I was able to view all my books, purchased and sampled, and re-download all my books offline including the new book I just purchased. Hope this helps someone...