I ran across an issue that has been driving me nuts! I'm not sure if this is an error or by design. When I am working with profiledocuments in LotusScript and Formula languages, I can pull the profile document without giving a unique key parameter because it isn't required.
However, in Java, I can pull that same profile document, using "" as a unique key because it's required, read the correct values, and save it. However, when I save the profile document in Java, it doesn't update the profile document that the LotusScript and Formula languages. It seems to save a profile document separate from the LotusScript and Formula.
After I save the Java version of the profile document, I can only retrieve the Java version. When I open the profile document using LotusScript / Formula, it only retrieves the LotusScript / Formula version. Even after using getprofiledocumentcollection shows only one document, the one that will show depends on the language you are using.
However, when I start using a unique key, this problem goes away. ug. Anyone else had this issue or found a fix?