I've started a new project with Pixi JS. I've used this tutorial (along with a lot of stack overflow)
and it's been a great site to get a better understanding of HTML5 development with pixi js framework. However, I ran into an issue with clicking an dragging sprites. The example the Pixi JS site
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has bunny's that you can click on and drag. However, if you click on the lower right leg of the bunny and start to drag, the sprite jumps so that the center of the bunny is where the mouse is:
It seems trivial but when you are using larger sprites, it becomes borderline non-functional. Looking at the code you can see bunny.anchor.set(0.5) will move the sprite's anchor to the center instead of the top left. If you comment this out, you will see the the bunny jump more when you attempt to click and drag.
So how to fix this? So far I haven't been able to find a mouse location related to sprint you are clicking on. However, you can extract the mouse location for the app (screen area) and the sprite's location. From this, you can calculate an offset x and y coordinate when to initially mouseDown and drag. The offset helps update the anchor coordinate to prevent the jumping around of the sprite like so
Here is the updated code. Hope this helps someone!
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