Please read this first before proceeding: AllClient Errors
I had a co-worker get "Cannot upgrade AllClient installation to Notes client. The upgrade you are attempting is not supported" when upgrading from 8.5 to 8.5.1. After some google searching I found that you have to change the InstallType=2 to InstallType=6 in your notes.ini.
I've been noticing a lot of traffic to this web page so I decided to re-vist this post:
Here is a list of valid values for Installtype
Valid Values for notes 7 are:
2 - All client install (including Designer and Administrator)
3 - Notes client only
In previous versions of Notes this variable had many more values. It used to be used to Identifies the type of Notes client installed, as follows:
0 = Designer License Type
1 = Administration License Type
2 = Designer and Administration License Type
3 = Domino Mail Server License Type
4 = Domino Enterprise Server License Type
5 = Domino Application Server License Type
6 = Notes Client License Type
7 = Notes lite License Type
9 = Unknown, set by default at start of installation process, set for shared install
In this instance, a co worker was trying to install the admin / designer 8.5.1 client over the admin / designer 8.5 client. Why the InstallType needed to be changed from 2 to 6 is beyond me, but it works. IBM also has a tech note relating to this and they explain that the difference is between older versions and the 'all client' and 'client only'. Check the reference below under Upgrade. IBM's official fix for this is to uninstall Lotus Notes and install the correct package.
For smart upgrade users, this can be an issue when trying to roll out the installer. check the reference below for the full detail. The error is the same, the InstallType is 2 and needs to be changed to 6.
Upgrade to Notes 8 client fails with the error: 'The upgrade you are attempting is not supported'
Smart Upgrade: