Has anyone seen this error before?

It says CLFNM0257E: An error occurred trying to get a previewer from COR. Please contact your administrator. Widget is disposed
Then after I click ok my preview pane no longer works. However closing the tab and re-opening it fixes the issue. I am running 64 bit vista...
Weird right?
Update: this error seems to only happen with I use my scroll wheel on my mouse... It opens an email at random when I'm scrolling and that error shows up. When I close the email the preview pane doesn't work.
Did you open a PMR on this issue? We had this issue occur on Windows 7
ReplyDeleteDid you ever find a resolution to this issue. We're seeing it in a Vista client. It seems to happen when using the scroll wheel on a mouse.
ReplyDeleteDitto the previous comments - Did you get this resolved?
ReplyDeleteTalked to IBM - This is a known bug with 8.5.1 in 64-bit operating systems. This is going to be fixed in 8.5.2, and perhaps in 8.5.1 SP1.
ReplyDeleteOnly 64bit Windows? I am getting it with a Windows 7 32 bit install.
ReplyDeleteSorry I didn't see this sooner. No, I didn't open a pmr yet. I figured I would just deal with it until it really annoyed me :) That is great news Sam! When ever I call IBM and ask for support on Lotus Notes and 64bit tell me it's not supported :/
ReplyDeleteIt looks like this is not fixed in lotus 8.5.1 FP1 :(
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, the new fix pack 1 for 8.5.1 does provide support for 64 bit but only Windows 7 and not Vista. The link below is the supported OS's:
Fixed on 8.5.2, see link:
I see the technote also said it was fixed in 8.5.1 FP2... I skipped FP2 and now I am on FP3. I haven't had an issue with this since upgrading to FP3.
ReplyDeleteI got a chuckle out of the work around :)